Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT teaching union said the email showed “a crisis in teacher supply” despite the government trying to claim the contrary, and called on the government to “face up to the crisis it has created”. She said: “It is the government’s own policies...
中学地理代课老师 Supply Secondary Geography Teacher 【上海-华漕】 10-12k 经验不限本科领导好发展空间大公司规模大技能培训 Nord Anglia Education 学校教育融资未公开10000人以上 金女士 集团外籍招聘部门主管 初中语文老师 Secondary Chinese Teacher 【上海-华漕】 ...
答案说:高中三年必背英语3500词(阅读原文下载电子版+音频) 《答案说》科学备考简化答题 中高考考试技巧方法提分项目主要针对中高考考生关键时刻通过100多位高考状元总结出来的各课必考考点考试技巧助力考生提分,是我们公司主推项目,本项目不受双减...
Reading strategiesoperate on a macro level, helping students plan and manage the entire reading process, such as setting reading goals, efficiently skimming or scanning texts, and making annotations to clarify the structure of a passage. These strategies...
Distributed power supply (DPS) systems are extensively used to supply different electronic equipment and systems such as telecom switching systems. Continuous reduction of supply voltages of digital integrated circuits from the previous industry standard of 5 V down to 1 V or even less has necessitate...
题目:Engine mounts refer to the framework, either of build-up construction or forgings, which support the engine and attach it to the nacelle or pylon. A. 发动机支架用于支撑发动机,固定机舱或塔架上的框架,要么是组装式结构,要么是锻造件。B. 发动机... A. 发动机支架用于支撑发动机,固定机舱或塔架...
First, the teacher’ s personality should be pleasantly (4) and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically (5) , or even ugly, because many such have great personal (6) . But it does rule out such types as the (7) , melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, frustrated, and ...