The text of the Creative Commons public +licenses is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 Public Domain +Dedication. Except for the limited purpose of indicating that material +is shared under a Creative Commons public license or as otherwise +permitted by the Creative Commons policies ...
measures, and international cooperation on export controls. It also sets a basic institutional framework, and unified rules for export control policies, a control list, temporary controls, a restricted name list, and supervision. The Law was formulated in the lig...
the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (, China Government Procurement Network (; ...
If you have upgraded from a previous version of Microsoft Dynamics AX, the upgrade checklist is displayed the first time you start the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 client. The upgrade checklist contains a list of upgrade tasks and the order in which you must complete them. For more information ...
DAI Yang (independent non-executive Director) 戴揚先生 (獨立非執行董事) Member 會員 Member 會員 — Member 會員 The list of Directors and their role and function is available at the Company’s and the Stock Exchange’s websites. Their profiles are set out in the section headed “Profile of...
4. In the list of incoming e-mails, set the Signature for SAP Cloud for Service: E-Mail Security, B2B Scenario and SAP Cloud for Service: E-Mail, B2C Scenario. Choose Check (and Reject if Untrusted) if you require a high level of security or Do Not Check if you do not have ...
4. In the list of incoming e-mails, set the Signature for SAP Cloud for Service: E-Mail Security, B2B Scenario and SAP Cloud for Service: E-Mail, B2C Scenario. Choose Check (and Reject if Untrusted) if you require a high level of security or Do Not Check if you do not have ...
4. In the list of incoming e-mails, set the Signature for SAP Cloud for Service: E-Mail Security, B2B Scenario and SAP Cloud for Service: E-Mail, B2C Scenario. Choose Check (and Reject if Untrusted) if you require a high level of security or Do Not Check if you do not have ...
4. In the list of incoming e-mails, set the Signature for SAP Cloud for Service: E-Mail Security, B2B Scenario and SAP Cloud for Service: E-Mail, B2C Scenario. Choose Check (and Reject if Untrusted) if you require a high level of security or Do Not Check if you do not have ...