dataset to enable the training of detection models, and organized the accompanying DeepFake Detection Challenge (DFDC) Kaggle competition. Importantly, all recorded subjects agreed to participate in and have their likenesses modified during the construction of the face-swapped dataset. The DFDC dataset ...
DFDC Preview Dataset 1:0.28 5214 Actors YTable 2: Video-level test metrics when optimizing for log(wP). Method Precision Recall log-WP TamperNet 0.833 0.033 -3.044 XceptionNet (Face) 0.930 0.084 -2.140 XceptionNet (Full) 0.784 0.268 -3.352Table 3: Video-level log(wP) for various recall ...
Finally, a set of specific metrics to evaluate the performance have been defined and two existing models for detecting deepfakes have been tested to provide a reference performance baseline. The DFDC dataset preview can be downloaded at: 展开 ...
As I computed fake loss and real loss separately inside each batch, results might be better with larger batch size, for example on V100 gpus. Even though SyncBN is used larger batch on each GPU will lead to less noise as DFDC dataset has some fakes where face detector failed and face ...
You need to preprocess the datasets in order to index all the samples and extract faces. Just run the script$ ./scripts/make_dataset.shPlease note that we use only 32 frames per video. You can easily tweak this parameter in extract_faces.pyTrain...
Niwashi · Updated 5 years ago arrow_drop_up4 codeCode file_downloadDownload more_vert dfdc_full_data_csvData CardCode (1)Discussion (0)Suggestions (0)Dataset Notebooks search filter_listFilters AllYour WorkShared With YouBookmarks Hotness ...
Nguyễn Minh Đức · Updated a year ago arrow_drop_up0 codeCode file_downloadDownload more_vert DFDCTTData CardCode (0)Discussion (0)Suggestions (0)Dataset Notebooks search filter_listFilters AllYour WorkShared With YouBookmarks Hotness No notebooks found No notebooks to show....
2.1SAS数据集、常量、变量与观测 2.1.1SAS数据集(SASDataset)是SAS过程的数据基础,只有SAS数据集中的数据才能被使用。数据集含两部分内容:1.描述部分:数据名称、类型、长度、格式等。2.数据部分:包含实际数据值。SAS数据值被安排在一个矩阵式的表状结构中。第二章SAS编程基础 2 第二章SAS编程基础 2.1.2...
Spark是美国加州大学伯克利分校AMPLab开发的分布式计算系统,基于RDD(Resilient Distributed Dataset),主要使用内存而不是硬盘,可以很好地支持迭代计算。因为是一个基于Memory的系统,所以在数据量能够放进Memory的情况下,能 够大幅缩短响应时间。Shark类似于Hive,将SQL解析为Spark任务,并且Shark复用了大量Hive的已有代码。
3. Hu, C.-P.*, Yin, J.-X., Lindenberg, S. M., Dalğar, İ., Weissgerber, S., . . . IJzerman, H. (2019). Data from the Human Penguin Project, a cross-national dataset testing principles from social thermoregulation theory. ...