RWN Maintained:The RWN on DFCC’s National Long-Term Rating reflects the potential for the bank’s creditworthiness to deteriorate relative to other entities on our Sri Lankan national rating scale. This is because of heightened stress on the bank’s funding and liquidity, and its exposure t...
Sri Lanka’s market interest rates rose sharply after March 2022 as corrective measures were applied after as the currency collapsed after two years’ money printed to mis-target rates and target an output gap. “Strategically, the Bank increased the fixed income investment portfolio, which contribu...
Fitch rates the proposed Tier 2 instrument one notch below the bank's National Long-Term Rating of 'AA-(lka)' to reflect the notes' subordinated status and higher loss-severity risks relative to senior unsecured instruments. The notes would convert to equity upon the occurrence of a trigger e...
(docs/ ++ [寄希望于《美好生活》中的一部小说](docs/ ++ [银行拿你的钱做人质](docs/banks-are-holding-your-money-hostage-87b8ef14d...