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1200 V、40 A高速沟槽栅场截止H系列IGBT 下载数据手册 Order Direct 概述 样片和购买 文件 CAD资源 工具与软件 质量与可靠性 产品概述 描述 所有功能 特别推荐 描述 These devices are IGBTs developed using an advanced proprietary trench gate field-stop structure. These...
1200 V、75 A高速沟槽栅场截止HB2系列IGBT,TO-247长引线封装 下载数据手册 Order Direct 概述 样片和购买 文件 CAD资源 工具与软件 质量与可靠性 产品概述 描述 所有功能 特别推荐 描述 该器件是采用先进的专有沟槽栅场截止结构开发的IGBT。该器件是“H”系列IGBT中的成员,代表...
This device is an IGBT developed using an advanced proprietary trench gate field-stop structure. The device is part of the H series of IGBTs, which represents an optimum compromise between conduction and switching losses to maximize the efficiency of high-switching freque...
批量生产 储存到myST 1200 V、15 A高速沟槽栅场截止H系列IGBT Order Direct 产品概述 描述 所有功能 特别推荐 描述 This device is an IGBT developed using an advanced proprietary trench gate field-stop structure. The device is part of the H series of IGBTs...
批量生产 储存到myST 1200 V、25 A高速沟槽栅场截止H系列IGBT 产品概述 描述 所有功能 特别推荐 描述 This device is an IGBT developed using an advanced proprietary trench gate field-stop structure. The device is part of the H series of IGBTs, which represents an...