git clone cd df_cereal #we need to build against 3.6.5, jupyterlab 4.0 has different JS typing that conflicts # the installable still works in JL4 pip install build twine pytest sphinx polars mypy jupyterlab==3.6.5 pandas-stubs pip install -ve...
A Python-based media player with simple editing features using PyQt5 and FFmpeg, supporting GIFs and multiple players including VLC and (eventually) QMediaPlayer. - pyplayer/ at bc8df7207b86adf948c3df971003a7b4c089ffe8 · thisismy-github/pypl
Addition of liposomes to purified full-length DFCP1 resulted in a modest, but significant increase in ATP hydrolysis (~1.4 fold) over an assay time of 30 min, indicating that DFCP1 ATPase activity is indeed stimulated by membranes (Fig. 2a). Fig. 2: DFCP1 forms dimers and its activity...
如果需要对分区表进行全表扫描,可以在全表扫描的SQL语句前加上命令set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true;,并和SQL语句一起提交执行。假设sale_detail表为分区表,需要同时执行如下语句进行全表查询: set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true; select * from sale_detail; 1. 2. 如果整个项目都需要开启全表扫描,...
fullscreen chevron_right About this directory Training data: 1,000,000 forged images 1,000,000 corresponding ground truth files, indicating the region of the manipulation. folder DF2023_V15_train 2 directories Data Explorer Version 1(14.67 GB)...
If you can repair, and Origin completes the job (you'll see progress in the lower-left corner of the Origin window), but you still can't play, please move the entire Sims 4 folder out of Documents\Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, then try again to play. If the game lau...
This is important since, when looking for the service on the Python code, we actually need to include the underscore characters. MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); Optionally, we can also register properties for our service in the form of key value pairs. We will add two testing proper...
The passkey to use to change from the Kiosk or Kid UI modes to the Full UI mode.UserThemeDirectory (All operating systems except Android)Sets the user theme directory. If left blank it will default to ~/ES-DE/themes/es_find_rules.xml...
cv2.setWindowProperty('winname', cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) fps =0 frame_count =0 start_time = time.time() PATH ='image' print('Begin capture...') whileTrue: valA = btnA.read_digital() ret, frame = ...
{% block content %} <textarea class="form-control" id="chat-log" disabled rows="20"></textarea><br/> <input class="form-control" id="chat-message-input" type="text"/><b...