To check disk usage in a human-readable format using the df command, you can use the-h option. The -h stands for "human-readable," and it displays space usage statistics in a format that's more easily understood, using sizes in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), and so ...
原因在于du是以文件名、目录名为依据计算空间使用的,而df是以硬盘块使用情况来计算空间使用的。 当一个应用程序正在写一个大文件的时候,我们RM或者MV了这个文件(UNIX是允许这么干的,WINDOWS在这一点上傻有傻福),应用程序会占有句柄,并根据句柄所指磁盘位置直接写磁盘,而不会检查该文件是否被删除。 因此就会产生上...
command with multiple options in Linux/Unix. The ‘df’ (Disk Free) command is in an inbuilt utility to find the available and disk usage space on Linux servers/storage. This command is mainly used by all System Admins, as it is one of their main tasks to monitor the server/storage...
The command"df -h"is used to display disk space usage in a human-readable format. The"-h"option stands for “human-readable” and it shows information about all mounted filesystems on your system, presenting the sizes in a format that is easier for humans to understand, using units like...
inode是Unix和Linux文件系统中的数据结构,它包含文件或目录的信息,例如其大小,所有者,设备节点,套接字,管道等。 df/df-hdf-tdf-text4df-ih/ 输出格式 df命令还允许您指定输出格式。要限制df输出中报告字段,请使用--output[=FIELD_LIST]选项。 FIELD_LIST是包含在输出列表信息,指定多个列请使用逗号分隔。每个字...
Linux df commandUpdated: 11/06/2021 by Computer HopeOn Unix-like operating systems, the df command reports the amount of available disk space used by file systems.This page covers the GNU/Linux version of df.Description Syntax Options SIZE format Examples Related commands Linux commands help...
When a program that is running in the background writes to a file while the process is running, the file to which this process is writing is deleted. Running df and du shows a discrepancy in the amount of disk space usage. The df command shows a higher value.如若满意,请...
大部分 Unix 文件系统种类具有类似的通用结构,即使细节有些变化。其中心概念是超级块(superblock)、i节点(inode)、数据块(data block)、目录块(directory block)和间接块(indirection block)。超级块包括文件系统的总体信息,比如大小(其准确信息依赖文件系统);i节点包括除了名字外的一个文件的所有信息,名字与i节点数目...
The ‘df’ command is used to quickly print an overview of the disk space in use on different partitions and file systems. df comes from the GNU Coreutils package and should be available by default in Unix/Linux based operating systems. ...
1. df Command 1.1. df Command Examples 2. du Command 2.1. du Command Examples Difference between df and du Commands Frequently Asked Questions Conclusion Understanding df and du Commands in Linux Thedfandducommands are both used for disk space analysis in Linux, but they serve different purposes...