df (disk free) command is used to display disk usage of the file system. By default df command shows the file system usage in 1K blocks for all the current mounted file system, if you want to display the output of df command in human readable format , use -h option like “df -h”...
Linux df 命令,也称为disk free,用于显示 Linux 和类 Unix 系统上每个文件系统的空闲和已用磁盘空间。 # df [options] [file_path] https://linuxopsys.com/topics/df-command-in-linux duf https://github.com/muesli/duf refs https://www.atatus.com/blog/df-command-in-linux-with-examples/ https:...
df command in linux df命令是Linux系统中一个非常常用的命令,用来显示文件系统的磁盘空间利用情况。通过df命令,我们可以查看当前系统中各个磁盘分区的使用情况,包括磁盘的总容量、已用容量、可用容量以及挂载点等信息。使用df命令可以帮助我们及时了解磁盘空间的使用情况,避免出现磁盘空间不足的情况。 在Linux系统中,磁盘...
Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and laterLinux x86-64SymptomsOS level command like df -hT are hanging or provide no output.CauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register Don't have a My Oracle Support account? Click to get started!In...
■ Use%: The percentage of the device that currently is in use. ■ Mounted on: The directory the device currently is mounted on. Note that when using the df command, the sizes are reported in kibibytes. The option -m will display these in mebibytes, and using -h will use a human-...
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Learn how to check your disk space usage on a Linux Dedicated server or a VPS machine using the Linux df command. Easy space monitoring for your system.