Miguel Luis Prado is a character in Season Three of the Showtime series DEXTER, serving as one of two main antagonists (alongside George King). He was the Assistant District Attorney (ADA) in Miami. After his brother, Oscar Prado, is murdered, Miguel bec
Dexter Morgan在白天是警局一名普通的法医,他利用自己对血的[展开全文] 本剧改变自Jeff Lindsay的小说《Darkly Dreaming Dexter》,讲述的一个名叫Dexter Morgan的变态杀手。《嗜血法医》与其他优秀剧集一样,重点讲述主角生活里的困难,通过主角解决困难逐步在观众面前完善起一个带着缺陷的人格。他谦虚,他勤奋,他微笑,...
Dexter Morgan’s “Slice of Life” Screen-Used TV Prop Boat from Showtime’s “Dexter” Coming To Auction on eBay The most recognizable prop from Dexter, Showtime’s hit cable television series that is coming to an end with the current Season 8, is Dexter Morgan’s boat, “Slice of Li...
Vincent "Vince" Masuka (aka Vince Masuoka in the novels) is a main character in the Showtime series DEXTER. He is the lead forensics specialist for the Miami Metro Police Department, working alongside Dexter Morgan as his partner. In Season Eight, he lea
MynameisDexter,DexterMorgan. 我叫德克斯特德克斯特·摩根 Idon'tknowwhatmademethewayIam, 我不知道我为什么会变成今天这样 butwhateveritwasleftahollowplaceinside. 但是不管是什么造成了我内心的空洞 Peoplefakealotofhumaninteractions, 人们总是装的故作亲密 butIfeellikeIfakethemall, 但是我倒觉得我一直骗了所有人...
DexterSeasonOneEpisodeOne 嗜血法医第1季第1集 Tonight'sthenight. 就是今晚 Andit'sgoingtohappenagainandagain-- 有些事情周而复始 hastohappen. 终会发生 Nicenight. 如此迷人的夜晚 Miamiisagreattown. 迈阿密是个不错的地方 IlovetheCubanfood. 我喜欢这里的古巴菜 ...