Dexcom G6 has never been more accessible and affordable, even for those without CGM coverage. With our pharmacy savings program, your patients can get a coupon to save on the monthly cash price of their Dexcom supplies. Visit De...
Long-term cost-effectiveness of Dexcom G6 real-time continuous glucose monitoring system in people with type 1 diabetes in Australia: Response to letter from Hellmund, Richard and Welsh, ZoeAUSTRALIAGLYCOSYLATED hemoglobinEXPERIMENTAL designBLOOD sugar monitoring...
We've built on the performance of G7, making it even better. This includes a continuation of our monthly cadence of software updates, which included the second quarter additions of medication logging and the ability to ingest activity data into our G7 app. We've introduced a stronger adhesive...
where more than 70% of our commercial customers have a monthly out-of-pocket cost of less than $60 per month, and nearly 1/3 of our customers have 0 out-of-pocket costs for their G6 sensors. According to IQVIA
When Dexcom began providing Dexcom G5 to Medicare recipients in 2017, we were shipped a blood glucose meter and test strips packaged with our monthly sensor allowance. What was amazing was that Dexcom picked a high quality meter system (Contour Next by Bayer) for Medicare recipients rather than...
Dexcom G7 is easy to get no matter your patients CGM coverage! Exact pricing will vary depending on their specific health plan.
Objective: A simulation study assessed cost-effectiveness of the MiniMed 780G system (MM780G) compared to MDI used with Dexcom G6 CGM (MDI+G6) in people with T1D in the United States.Methods: The IQVIA Core Diabetes Model was used to estimate costs and quality of life over a lifetime...
Aims/hypothesis: The aim of this study was to assess the long-term cost-effectiveness of Dexcom G6 real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rtCGM) with alert functionality compared with FreeStyle Libre 1 intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM) without alerts in adults with type...
Refills: Once you get in the system, supply refills are mostly a seamless process. IMO the Medicare requirement for monthly shipment of CGM supplies versus the quarterly shipment of pump supplies puts an undue burden on Dexcom and is slowing their ability to supply more Medicare beneficiaries. ...
Long-term Cost-Effectiveness of Dexcom G6 Real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring Versus Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes in the U.K.doi:10.2337/DC19-2213Stéphane RozeJohn IsittJayne Smith-PalmerMehdi Javanbakht...