★☆☆☆Eagle(B1) — Terrible Striker. The premiere level 1 animal has fallen a long way from its heyday in Pathfinder 1e. The only niche use for it in 2e is to try to goad an enemy from hundreds of feet away. Flight is useful, but the Raven beats it for utility and the Flash...
都是美日欧国际服通用的,国服完全改了所以可能有些新手听不懂,特此解释 LB:Limit Break,极限技,大招 DF:duty finder,排本,任务搜索器 PF:party finder,队员招募 F.A.T.E:Full Active Time Event 临危受命 VIT:耐力 MND:精神 PIE:信仰 STR:力量 DEX:敏捷,灵巧 (还有就是我个人和一部分美服玩家喜欢用的...
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