Dex-O-Tex, a global brand for advanced flooring solutions, has been providing quality coatings and specialty finishings for over 80 years. Visit us today.
Education, Schools, & Universities Aerospace Breweries, Wineries, & Distilleries Bio-Tech & Pharmaceutical Commercial Food Processing Food & Beverage Manufacturing Medical & Healthcare Electronic Manufacturing Facilities Mechanical Equipment Rooms Parking Garages ...
As a global provider of protective floor coatings, Dex-O-Tex High Performance Flooring is committed to meeting the standards set by the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program. Our team of industry experts develops commercial flooring systems that are both durable and eco-friendly, ensuring...
Marine UnderlaymentsDex-O-Tex marine underlayments are performance proven materials used throughout the marine industry to fill and fair off irregularities of deck plates before the installation of finished deck coverings. They are also used to create pitch in the deck for drainage, ramping, or to...
Dex-O-Tex.Dex-O-Tex Micro-Topping, from Dex-O-Tex, a division of Crossfield Products Corp., is a thin, seamless, cementitious architectural floor surface that can be applied over a wide range of surfaces, making it ideal for remodeling projects. Available in a range of colors and stains...
Find Customer Reviews and Ratings of Dex-O-Tex, a global brand for advanced flooring solutions, has been providing qualitycoatings and specialty finishings for over 80 years. Visit us today. Click here for more information about Dex-O-Tex.
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人物简介: 一、彭涛涛担任职务:担任西安晨平海建筑工程有限公司监事;二、彭涛涛的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,彭涛涛与张晨平为商业合作伙伴。 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了解老板合作关系 ...
视频简介 发行时间:2020-08-13