#Dewar's帝王# 年有双鱼,好事成双。灵感自敦煌壁画,取如意扣与双鱼纹吉祥寓意,此刻共聚欢庆时刻,此刻共祝来年事事顺遂如意。帝王DOUBLE DOUBLE x 方楠Pumpkin 特别限定礼盒,迎新送福。二〇二五鲤跃龙门,更顺一筹。 LDewars帝王威士忌的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c ...
#Dewar’s帝王#苏格兰威士忌的第七代官方调和大师,获奖无数的Stephanie Macleod终于空降上海!这次携其四款独创“四次陈酿”技术造就的二次方系列产品开启一段难忘的Dewar's帝王DOUBLE DOUBLE臻品荣耀晚宴,Stephanie Macleod也连续五年获得IWC国际威士忌竞赛“年度最佳调和大师”大奖,品鉴晚宴将二次方系列柔滑近完美的口感。
味道 8585 尾韵 8686 Create afreeWhiskybase account to readall 1 reviewsfor this whisky 创建一个免费账户
Dewar's Double Double 37 Year Old Blended Malt Scotch Whisky Scotland ¥25028 93 / 100 Dewar's Double Double 36 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky Scotland ¥20050 94 / 100 Dewar's 'Ne Plus Ultra' 30 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky Scotland ¥3307 91 / 100 Dewar's 'Caribb...
Created to be a sweeter, lighter Blended Scotch Whisky, this was the first whisky created by Stephanie Macleod. Thanks to both our unique double ageing process and golden water source, Dewar’s 15 Year Old is unusually smooth, with flavour notes of honey, toffee and floral. ...
Dewar's帝王威士忌令人骄傲的制造过程:使用优质大麦、酵母和纯净的Pitilie Burn泉水酿造,并在苏格兰橡木桶中成熟及装瓶;直到现在,酒厂仍坚持采用创建者认为传统的酿酒方式,就非常重要的蒸馏器而言,当需要替换的时候,新蒸馏器的形状、大小都必须维持跟原来的一模一样。
Dewar's Double Double 37 Year Old Blended Malt Scotch Whisky Scotland - 93 / 100 Dewar's Double Double 36 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky Scotland - 94 / 100 Dewar's 'Ne Plus Ultra' 30 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky Scotland - 91 / 100 Dewar's 'Caribbean Smooth' Rum Cask...