The DeWalt DWS779 comes ready to go right out of the box. It weighs in at about 56 lbs, so while no super light, it is transportable if you were to use this as a contractor moving from site to site; especially if paired with theoptional mobile base. Mine will mostly be staying ...
The industry tool company said it has received 571 reports of the rear safety guard assembly or components breaking or detaching, including nine reports of laceration injuries. The recall involves DeWALT Models DWS779, DWS780 and DHS790 Miter Saws. Only saws with date codes 2019 04 through...
AMZ123获悉,据外媒报道,近日美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)宣布召回在亚马逊、Lowes等网站上出售的DeWALT牌斜切锯。召回原因是电锯后护板可能会断裂或脱落,击中使用者和旁观者,并且,暴露的锯条会对使用者造成撕裂和割伤的危险。 此次召回涉及DWS779、DWS780和DHS790型号的DeWALT斜切锯,型号印在电锯的铭牌上。召回范围包括...