DANGER–KEEP AWAY FROM BLADE. • USE ONLY BLADES OF THE CORRECT SIZE AND TYPE specified for this tool to prevent ON UPPER GUARD: damage to the machine and/or serious injury. PROPERLY SECURE BRACKET WITH BOTH SCREWS BEFORE USE. • INSPECT BLADE FOR CRACKS or other damage prior to ...
If supporting the workpiece by hand, you must always keep your hand at least 100 mm from either 2) Electrical Safety side of the saw blade. Do not use this saw to cut pieces that are too small to be securely clamped or held by hand. If your hand is placed too close to the saw ...
Upgrades over the older model: Upgraded high visibility bevel scale Longer base legs New vertical quick clamp Upgraded dust collection Removable table under-guarding New blade bolt design Features and specs: 12″ blade size 3800 RPM 2×8 cross-cutting capacity at 90° 2×6 cr...
DEWALT得伟电动工具DW810使用操作说明书手册.pdf,DW803 DW810 English (original instructions) 3 Bahasa Indonesia (petunjuk asli) 10 ภาษาไทย(ค�าแนะน�าเดิม) 18 Tiếng Việt (bản dịch hư
e) Do not attach a saw chain, woodcarving blade, segmented diamond wheel with a peripheral gap greater than 10 mm or toothed saw blade. Such blades create frequent kickback and loss of control. f) Do not “jam” the wheel or apply excessive pressure. Do not attempt to make an ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) DEWALT得伟电动工具DWE7492使用操作说明书手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 DWE7492 English 7 简体中文 21 Copyright DeWALT B Fig. A 图 A 1 16 11 17 19 18 50 51 12 5 4 10 3 8 7 6 Fig. B 图 B 15 2 13...