亚洲首届开发者关系大会,探索B2D战略升级 First DevRelCon in Asia, an opportunity to explore new ways for B2D strategy upgrading 融合Fusion 16位国内外开发者关系领域演讲嘉宾分享前沿的理念和实践经验,“本土化”与“国际化”的碰撞 First DevRelCon in Asia, an opportunity to explore new ways for B2D str...
DevRelCon已经成功在伦敦和旧金山举办三届,来自全球14个国家和地区的数百位技术布道师、社区经理、市场营销经理、开发者与IBM、Google、Twitter等知名企业的资深演讲嘉宾围绕开发者关系战略、开发者社区建设等热点话题进行思想碰撞。 早鸟票限量发售!
So a week or two back, I headed to DevRelCon 2017 in London. I was keen to find out how organisations like Google, Shopify, GitHub and IBM are managing their developer networks and the role of marketing within these programmes. Erin: educate don't market First up was Erin McKean, ...
亚洲首届开发者关系大会,探索B2D战略升级 First DevRelCon in Asia, an opportunity to explore new ways for B2D strategy upgrading 融合Fusion 16位国内外开发者关系领域演讲嘉宾分享前沿的理念和实践经验,“本土化”与“国际化”的碰撞 First DevRelCon in Asia, an opportunity to explore new ways for B2D str...
往届回顾 DevRelCon已经成功在伦敦和旧金山举办三届,来自全球14个国家和地区的数百位技术布道师、社区经理、市场营销经理、开发者与IBM、Google、Twitter等知名企业的资深演讲嘉宾围绕开发者关系战略、开发者社区建设等热点话题进行思想碰撞。 早鸟票限量发售!