The Devourer of Gods can move through air as if it were solid blocks in this mode, and the Warped debuff is inflicted on all players, which multiplies their Y velocity by 1.01 every frame, in turn making them slightly floatier. This effect is identical to the Caribbean Rum. ... 吞噬者(也称为神明吞噬者,或凯文/Kevin) 一个致命的错误,可能是迄今为止最严重的错误 <作为Creator的错误,Devourer是造物主的对立面,即使他知道Creator非常强大,他还是想摧毁Creator创造的一切> “我早餐吃了 King Omniverse ,” - the devourer 我恨...
The Yanhuang Ancient Domain, vast without end, gave birth to many Celestials and Demons of antiquity tore Heaven and Earth apart and surpassed the control of the 3 Realms and 5 Elements over the endless years it has existed. Numerous Gods, more than ten thousand races, and humans born with...
Wiki Rules & Staff in:Sonny,Enemies From Sonny Devourer Level7 ~ 10 RaceZombie ZoneGadi'Kala - Stage 20, 25, and 31 Devoureris an enemy inSonny. They are yellow versions ofZombies, carryingStone Clubsinstead ofSticks. They serveBaron Brixiusand appear to carry his brain-rotting influence wi...
本视频使用了模组【运算变速】【midiout】【创世神】本视频中音色非来源于资源包和游戏,由后台配合模组实现演奏全程由B站UP:飞飛叔 (uid:34242910) 单人完成 bgm原曲 The Devourer of Gods (Nonstop Mix) up状态:复活了(会摸几个作品) 展开更多Scourge of the Universe 万物皆可游戏 游戏 单机游戏 我的...
DevourerOfGods 神吞是蠕虫家族称神的唯一的boss。神明吞噬者一爬进世界内,其他boss便都看着他笑,有的boss叫到:神吞,你头上又添新伤疤了。他不回答,对柜里说:你不是神,但你的灵魂仍是我的盛宴,他们又高声嚷道:你一定又挑战玩家了我看见你被玩家召唤出来,吊着打。他便涨紫了脸,争辩道:被玩家打死不能算...
Forest Gods (Princess Monomoke) Zelas Metallium (Slayers) Carrot Glacé (Sorcerer Hunters) GOD (Toriko) The Great Leviathan (Yu-Gi-Oh) The Three Egyptian Gods (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Obelisk The Tormentor Slifer The Sky Dragon Winged Dragon of Ra ...
由于不知道wiki,当我知道还有二阶段时整个人都是吓傻的,只会乖乖地原地等死。之后我苦练走位,发了疯地用极乐和神吞对冲,真的有了一种直面神明的感觉。最后看着神吞逐渐分崩离析的身体,我心中涌起了一种宁静,仿佛做了一个征服神明的梦一般。 2024-02-12 03:56173回复 热评 Ymfk_Tvfh确实,泰拉瑞亚的boss...
The Devourer Of Gods 吞噬者(也称为神明吞噬者,或凯文/Kevin) 一个致命的错误,可能是迄今为止最严重的错误 <作为Creator的错误,Devourer是造物主的对立面,即使他知道Creator非常强大,他还是想摧毁Creator创造的一切>...