Times of prayer and liturgy are balanced with manual labor, study, and communal activities. The Rule of Benedict has continued to serve as the primary monastic guide for some five hundred years. Today's reading is from Parade of Faith: A Biographical History of the Christian Church by Ruth ...
These activities are referred to as spiritual disciplines for a reason: they don’t always give immediate gratification. Rather, they are lifestyle choices we make because we know that they please God, that they nourish us spiritually, and that we cannot remain walking in step with the Spirit...
Friday and Saturdays:Activities on these two days vary, but include student ministry special events, leadership retreats for serving teams, weddings, and even an engagement (LAST SATURDAY AFTERNOON!)We also host outreach events like the Mission Christmas Shoppe or “Parent Night Outs” for families ...
A friend of mine likes to ask people “What floats your boat?” This is his way of asking a person about the activities, causes, or people that energize and animate his or her life. Notice what you think about when you are not thinking about anything in particular. Where does your mind...
The vocabulary used for activities performed by Jews is quite different and they often involve violence. The most common verbs in descending order are: “bind, tie up,” “shout,” “shove,” “lead,” “push,” “torture,” “accompany,” “beat,” “crown,” “dress (him) up,” “...
这是在传记之中相对较少地提及艾哈迈德·热扎家族与英国人之间的关系的文献之一。对于扎法尔丁·比哈里和其他敬重艾哈迈德·热扎的人来说,这个故事的讲述确立了热扎·阿里的虔诚和他与英国的距离。Indeed there is no evidence that Riza ‘Ali was involved in the events of 1857 on either side. In later ...