It has come to be a dreadfully common belief in the Christian Church that the only man who has a “call” is the man who devotes all his time to what is called “the ministry,” whereas all Christian service is ministry, and every Christian has a call to some kind of ministry or an...
I’m pretty sure the Lord has another preaching ministry planned for me in the future. But I think He wants Susan and me to rest a little while right now. And I want to do my best to follow the Lord Jesus every day. I think St. Francis summed it up pretty well: “Preach the Go...
The word of God tells us to be quick to hear and slow to speak (Jam. 1:19). Learning to listen well does not happen instantly. It requires discipline, effort, and intentionality. If we learn to be patient and loving, we can improve upon our listening skills. The best ministry you mi...
35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” –John 13:31-35 ESV Jesus issued many commands during His earthly ministry, so the question becomes, which of these commands was he referring to when He said, “Teach these new disciples to...
Another assumption I had going into this project was that faith and spirituality give life meaning. I found this to be confirmed as people shared with me how their beliefs, their faith communities and their practices grounded them, gave them context and made them feel like they belonged. People...
Now the prophet brings another round of ethical demands followed by abundant promises of blessing to those who obey the Lord. First, the ethical demands, building on what has been said in verse 6. "9bIf you do away with the yoke of oppression, ...
Because this teaching has nothing to do with Quran per se, but it’s like taking an attack mode on another religion in middle East? You can disagree with Bible’s words on teaching of Jesus, but to change what Jesus actually teaches in the Bible is another thing!
Another prodigal finds himself in the belly of a whale. He has run from God. In Jonah 1 we read about how Jonah was called by God to go to Ninevah and preach against it. God had appointed him for a special purpose. But Jonah a booked a one way ticket 2000 miles away in the othe...
We had the opportunity to talk with Aaron online about the everyday liturgies that form us, the spiritual practices that help us connect with one another and others, the ways that the world is forcing us to make terrible binary choices about what we...
(mezato) of the house, another gilded canvas with the Madonna and Child with Saints Augustin and Jerome (“quadro greco in tela dorato con B. Vergine Bambino s. Agustino e s. Gerolemo”) hung above the door of one of the chambers, whereas two more icons were located in another ...