Collection of Linux Sysadmin/DevOps interview questions Resources Readme ...
Prepare with AWS DevOps Interview Questions 41. How would you manage revision (version) control? My plan to handling revision control would be to post the code on GitHub or SourceForge so everyone can see it. Also, I will post the checklist from the last revision to make certain that any...
Using these 15 Linux interview questions for DevOps, you can measure your candidates’ abilities to handle real-world scenarios. Pairing these questions with TestGorilla’s DevOps test will provide a more in-depth assessment, helping you hire the right DevOps professional for your company. ...
Purpose Create a copy of a remote repository on your GitHub account. Create a separate line of development within a Git repository. Create a local copy of a Git repository on your machine. Ownership Creates an entirely separate repository owned by you. Within the same repository, branches are ...
[Travis-CI Tutorial] ( Jenkins Tutorial Back to top 回到顶部 Docker Docker Back to top 回到顶部 Devops Interview Questions Back to top...
我会建议你以持续集成的最小定义作为开始来回答这个问题。这是一种研发实践,需要开发人员每天多次将代码集成到共享代码库中。然后通过自动构建来验证每次代码的修改,以便团队尽早发现问题。 我建议你解释一下在以前的工作中是如何实施持续集成的,可以参考以下示例: ...
Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
DevOps Cup竞赛有助于将公司的交货周期从最短的六周提高到每天的最快五次。如今在GitHub上就可以找到...
It won’t be easy to find applicants, and you will most likely need a strategy to create the right set of DevOps interview questions. Why? Because there aren’t many managers or recruiters around with the right mindset to write them… ...