The term "Devon" is normally used for everyday purposes, e.g. "Devon County Council" but "Devonshire" continues to be used in the names of the "Devonshire and Dorset Regiment" (until 2007) and "The Devonshire Association". One erroneous theory is that the "shire" suffix is due to a ...
9. Putsborough Beach, Braunton "We had stunning views from the car park in May half term last year, late afternoon looking towards Woolacombe - beautiful beach"- rated by Mumsnet user,APurpleSquirrel Stretching three miles across to Woolacombe, Putsborough Beach is a real hidden gem that’s...
My friends and I live locally and as it was the half term holidays I was on the lookout for something to do.I noticed on Instagram that there was a zip wire at Lee Meadow campsite and really fancied going. The staff there were very friendly and helpful. They en...