In order to illustrate this argument, the example of the self‐managing school is given, with reference to Scotland. The government's case rests on a rhetoric of choice and ownership, and is unsupported either by educational theory or by most of the extant research. The policy marks a ...
The Committee notes that the devolved administrations have introduced some legal reforms to ensure compatibility with the Convention such as ensuring that the education system in Scotland complies with article # and that corporal punishment in the day-care system in Wales is prohibited, but remains ...
Scotlandon"devolvedmatters" such as education, health, agriculture and justice, [...] 根據蘇格蘭法令 ,蘇格蘭議會可就 教育、 生、農業及司 法等"分權事務" 為 蘇格蘭立法,而英國國會( 有72名議員代表蘇格蘭選區) 則就外 交事務、防 及國家安 全等" 保留事務 " 為蘇格蘭立...
The next tier of local government is usually known in England and Northern Ireland as a district, borough, or city. In Northern Ireland this is the only level of local government. In Scotland and Wales this second tier is the only one with broad powers over major local government functions....
Michael CarleySchool of the Built EnvironmentInternational Journal of Public Sector ManagementCarley, M. ( 2006 ), “ Partnership and statutory local governance in a devolved Scotland ”, International Journal of Public Sector Management , Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 250 ‐ 60 . [Abstract] []...
Since 1999 devolved administrations with elected bodies have been set up in the United Kingdom (Scotland, Wales and, though intermittently suspended for political reasons, Northern Ireland). Because the staff of the administrations remain linked with the British civil service, they are influenced by ...