Quite possibly the game of the year – if you liked "Onimusha," then Devil May Cry will definitely possess you. FULL REVIEW PlayStation 2 User Reviews View All User Score Generally Favorable Based on 1,099 User Ratings 8.3 78% Positive 857 Ratings 18% Mixed 201 Ratings 4% Negative 41 ...
Official Sitehttp://www.devilmaycry.com/ I almost always struggle to write the first sentence of a review. Generally that’s because I want to capture the tone of the game and give an impression of how I felt about it right from the start. The issue this time however, is that there...
“What happens next” is usually killing a bunch of demons, to be clear. Halfway through the review, and I’ve yet to talk aboutDevil May Cry’s combat—a sin, I’m sure. Suffice it to say,Devil May Cry 5puts together an impressive triple-threat. ...
Devil May Cry 5, like its predecessor, stakes its reputation on the execution of style. The game presents players with three protagonists: the grizzled, nihilistic demon hunter Dante; the brash, youthful Nero; and the brooding, mysterious V. Each character leans hard into some of the stereotype...
Good graphics and gameplay, but the characters and story is a shell of its former self. Basically, they sonic boom the characters enough said. Helpful•6 20 lbrtramos Jul 25, 2018 Permalink 1/10 Oh boy Spoiler Helpful•7 45 wayanhong ...
The first Devil May Cry sparked my love of action games in general, but as the series has gone on it’s kept that place in my heart because they aren’t just about killing every enemy in a room. They’re about how you killed every enemy in a room, expressing yourself in an almost...
The Devil May Cry series, with the release of the original game on PlayStation 2, changed action games forever, setting such a high a bar that to this day only a few titles can compare. With the previous two entries in the series, however, things weren't all that good: Devil May Cry...
DEVIL MAY CRY,天使果然是双性的 这篇剧评可能有剧透 这部汤浅政明监督的动画,确实非常黄暴,尺度很大,而且有明显独立个性的广角镜头和各种迷幻色彩的大肆使用,非常嗨,只不过碍于原著的原因,剧情稍微还是有点幼稚向。这种成人的画面配上幼齿的剧情,反差感也是艺术感的一部分。在第一集的强烈吸睛的地下集会极致绚烂...
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition for Nintendo Switch is the best version of the game so far, but this piece of gaming history is beginning to show its age. FULL REVIEW Nintendo Switch 60 Jeuxvideo.com Feb 20, 2020 Quotation forthcoming. ...
Devil May Cry 5 - Reviews "Devilishly fun." ByPaul Broussard07th Mar 2019 | 6,127 views Read full review Critic Reviews NoCritic Reviewshave been submitted yet... User Reviews NoUser Reviewshave been submitted yet...