PS4《鬼泣5 Devil May Cry V》中文版pkg下载。故事背景发生在《鬼泣4》几年之后,围绕主角尼禄展开,尼禄得到了“Devil May Cry”的灯,并建立了自己的移动恶魔猎人组织,他将和新的伙伴共同阻止恶魔的入侵。 MOD包含了1.08补丁,每个MOD的命名即是修改主角和角色的信息。 恢复原版只需要安装1.08原版补丁即可。 MOD列...
PS4版本 DUALSHOCK 4震動功能 版本: Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - The Best (中日英文版) HK$198.00 DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle (中日英文版) HK$279.00 遊戲和法律資訊 ※另有包含此單獨商品內容的套裝包。請注意切勿重複購買。 風靡全球的動作遊戲DMC4以更好的姿態回歸,並加入新的遊戲角色及模式!
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - Lady & Trish Costume Pack Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.83Average rating 4.83 stars out of five stars from 786 ratings 786 ratings 90% 6% 3% 0% 1% Game and Legal Info Enjoy a blast from the past with Lady's DMC3 costume, and sport...
Buy Devil May Cry 5 on PS4 and PS5. The legendary stylish action game is better than ever in the ultimate version of this multi-award winning hit.
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Купитеэтоткомплект, кудавошли Devil May Cry HD Collection (включает Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2, Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition) и Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition, исыграйтевовсеосновныеигрысерии DMC...
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe + Vergil $39.99 游戏介绍 The ultimate Devil Hunter is back in style, in the game action fans have been waiting for.A brand new entry in the legendary action series, Devil May Cry 5 brings together its signature blend of high-octane action and otherworldly original...
Buy Devil May Cry 5 on PS4 and PS5. The legendary stylish action game is better than ever in the ultimate version of this multi-award winning hit.
转游民:“真《鬼泣5..《龙之教条》与《DMC》的游戏指导Hideaki Itsuno日前接受Play Community网站采访表示,他想为PS4平台打造更多游戏续作,包括经典的“鬼泣”系列,“私立正义学园”,“街霸”等。