近日,卡普空和Netflix的合作项目正式揭晓,经典游戏系列《Devil May Cry》将推出全新的动画剧集,预计于2025年4月首播。这一消息令众多玩家和动漫爱好者翘首以盼,因为这一系列独特的魔鬼猎手故事不仅拥有丰富的背景和深厚的粉丝基础,更是充满了挑战与冒险。 《Devil May Cry》自2001年首次亮相以来,以其独特的黑暗美学...
Netflix动画剧集《Devil May Cry》开场动画公开,首季8集,4月3日上线。 《恶魔城》动画制作人 Adi Shankar 与 Studio Mir 携手打造。 http://t.cn/A63TrCZe
Netflix动画Devil May Cry主创采访 根据鬼泣系列游戏改编,即将上线 http://t.cn/A6WTrR0V
Netflix游戏改编动画《鬼泣》Devil May Cry开场动画,4.3上线, 视频播放量 24、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 同前黎, 作者简介 ,相关视频:2025游戏改编动画剧集《鬼泣》开场动画 | 将于4月3日上线,【鬼泣网飞动画】Devil May Cry
近日,卡普空与Netflix宣布合作,将于2025年4月推出备受期待的《Devil May Cry》动画系列预告引发了不少话题。这一消息不仅让老玩家兴奋不已,也让新的观众对这部经典游戏作品的魅力产生了厚望。与此同时,Netflix还公布了《赛博朋克》系列的新作动画预告,再次为玩家和观众注入了一剂强心针。两者结合,似乎为我们的游戏文...
The series was first announced last year, and is helmed byAdi Shankar, who previously worked on Netflix adaptations likeCastlevaniaandCaptain Laserhawk. The game series, meanwhile, has been largely quiet since2019’s excellent return in the form ofDevil May Cry 5. (Read our interview with dire...
Netflix动画剧集《鬼泣 Devil May Cry》op,视频播放量667,点赞量10,收藏量0,转发人数0,订阅量18,A9VV,女人每天烧香拜佛,劫匪的世界,人心中的成见是一座大山,野原广志:不愧是被日本动漫界,连续10年评为最想嫁的男人,海绵宝宝里出现能在水里呼吸的猫?一切都是骗局,黑心的蟹
Netflix TheDevil May Cryseries of video games, which has been around since 2001, has long been ripe for any sort of adaptation to the big or small screens, thanks to its charismatic, wise-cracking hero Dante and his love of fighting demons in cinematic fashion. But, aside from a lone ...
Devil May Cry Comes to Netflix in New Anime Series The teaser trailer also revealed that the anime will be animated by the South Korean company Studio Mir. The acclaimed studio animated the majority ofThe Legend Of Korraand the later seasons ofYoung Justice. They are not new to adapting vid...
Image via Netflix Though fans of the Devil May Cry series have been eagerly awaiting the day they can see Dante's story in action, Netflix's Devil May Cry still does not have a release date or a release window at this time. As fans of Castlevania already know, these high-quality an...