The latest game in the Devil May Cry series,set several years after Devil May Cry 4.Legendary stylish action returns withthe power of a brand-new game engine.
The latest game in the Devil May Cry series,set several years after Devil May Cry 4.Legendary stylish action returns withthe power of a brand-new game engine.
The latest game in the Devil May Cry series,set several years after Devil May Cry 4.Legendary stylish action returns withthe power of a brand-new game engine.
最强的恶魔猎人强势回归!动作游戏迷翘首以待,传说中的 Stylish Action《Devil May Cry》终于复活! 类型:格斗,砍杀,冒险 视角:第三人称视角 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 模式:单人,多人,合作 主题:情色,动作 引擎:RE Engine 鬼泣5 点击播放 鬼泣 5 视频
關於Devil May Cry 5 日本遊戲大獎2019 優秀獎 The Game Awards 2019 Best Action Game Golden Joystick Awards 2019 Best Visual Design 前所未見地悅目,無從追及的速度 風馳電掣的速度、隨心所欲的操作、高潮迭起的劇情打造出史無前例的「痛快感」。作為最頂尖的Stylish Action,本作奪得了多項大獎!
《Devil may cry5》(以下简称鬼泣5) 没玩过的朋友们可能会觉得我说得有点夸张,但请容许我郑重地告诉你,真的一点都不夸张。这三个男人就是有如此该死的魅力,这个游戏就是如此该死地甜美,这个游戏所有男人们,都无法拒绝。 于是在游戏拿到手之后,当晚熬夜到三点,隔天又连续8个小时不休息通了一周目,当我放下手柄...
Devil May Cry 5 2019 Contents [e] [+]Availability [-]Essential improvements Skip intro videos [+]Game data [+]Video Input [+]Audio VR support [+]Issues fixed [+]Other information [+]Mods System requirements Notes References Devil May Cry 5 is a singleplayer hack and slash...
Manufacturer:EVGA Divinity Original Sin II » Released: 2019 — API: DirectX 11 — Engine: RE Engine Devil May Cry 5 is the latest title of the gaming renaissance of the Japanese video-game industry that's finally showing some love for the PC platform. Directed by Hideaki Itsuno for Capco...
DmC 鬼泣Devil May Cry 5DmC: Devil May Cry Ninja Theory 2013-01-15 8.67.6 1想玩2在玩487玩过1233已购买1在关注 列表贡献点评 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 媒体评分8.6会员评分7.6 但丁的故事起源设定在一个当代的背景下,DmC Devil May Cry™ 依然保留了这个系列的标志性特点:华丽的动作、流畅的...
This time around I've done one for the long awaited Devil May Cry 5 on Steam! DMC has been one of my favorite franchises ever since playing the PS2 originals when I was a little girl; and being able to play on PC with max settings is really awesome! I've always enjoyed the games...