解壓縮完成後執行SETUP.BAT完成後即可進行遊戲Xp使用者請執行Devil May Cry4 [DX9]Vista使用者請執行Devil May Cry4 [DX10]軟體簡介: 電腦遊戲:惡魔獵人4 Devil May Cry 4 英文正式版 (DVD9一片裝 此片售價250元)最低配置:系統:Windows XP / Windows VistaCPU:Pentium 4 HT以上內存:Windows XP 512MB 以上...
你运行setup安装了么?安装时是否自定义了安装目录?若是没有运行setup,那就是游戏根本就没装;若是运行了setup安装了游戏,没有自定义安装目录,那你的游戏是装在C:\program files\CAPCOM\DEVILMAYCRY4,这里的DEVILMAYCRY4才是游戏目录。
steam下载地址:https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/SteamSetup.exe (请将steam客户端安装在全英文文件夹当中) 游戏介绍 但丁的过去造就今次Devil May Cry的回归。但丁的多种战斗风格,将会在与前所未见的恶魔及新角色的战斗中呈现,因为你要对抗的就是但丁神秘的双胞胎兄弟Vergil。
Devil.May.Cry.4.Full-Rip.Skullptura 商品名称(应该是一款游戏吧)Notes: 说明Full Game 完全游戏Ripped - Nothing! 无任何图像效果损失Minimum requirements: Ram - 1GB 最低要求:1GB内存1) disable UAC on Vista 在Vista系统上不能帐户控制2) extract .rar archive to NORMAL/SHORT PATH , somewhere like D:...
Devil May Cry 4 Free Download PC Game setup for Windows. It is action and adventure game where you have to fight against super daemon powers.
The Ultimate Premium Masterline Devil May Cry 5 V EX Version made by Prime 1 Studio ( UPMDMCV-04EX ) is now available for the fan of Devil May Cry 5
Display this with the other Ultimate Premium Masterline Devil May Cry 5 statues to create the ultimate setup! A must-have for Devil May Cry fans everywhere! Specifications: One (1) Devil May Cry 5 designed theme base Notice: Prototype samples shown. Product details could be subjected to ch...
“Devil May Cry” difficulty section that has sub difficulties of Human, Devil Hunter and Nephilim. Following that, there is a Son of Sparda difficulty and a Dante Must Die difficulty, each with varying enemy setups. “Heaven and Hell” and “Hell and Hell” return from Devil May Cry 4,...
Show Advanced Setup? (Y/y/N/n) N: :---是否采用高级安装,这里我们选择N,之前选过一次Y,还有一大堆要设置的地方,采用默认吧,小伙伴你们选Y可以试一下,根据屏幕的提示,继续定制一下 Add Another Plugin Module? (Y/y/N/n) N: :---是否需要在增加一个插件类型?看来,同一个maven工程里,我们可以增加...