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Now, her newest, most imaginative, and most breathtaking Dark-Hunter novel yet tells the tale of an ex-god in search of revenge, a servant of Artemis out to stop him, deadly enemies at every turn and a plot that may very well end the world. Ever since the moment his godhood ... ...
3星 6.7% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 曲目· ··· d.m.c JSBアニメ「Devil May Cry」より Lynch's mood Fight! faint Room DESPAIR Life is on you Dance F.O.E. The Reaper Bullet
鬼泣3 Devil May Cry 3 9.2分 全部游戏文字 (7) 一个游戏中得出的人生感悟 Devils never cry. Devil may cry,but only for his loss. 请让没有意义的眼泪永远憋回去,做一个强大的人,如魔剑士之子般强大的人。 Unfortunately,my soul told me... 12 有用 2007年深夜的秒杀记忆 Devil May Cry3 fro...
鬼泣3 Devil May Cry 3豆瓣评分:9.2 简介:鬼泣3,游戏名,由卡普空第一开发部(Capcom Production Stduio 1)制作发行。《鬼泣2》发售后,由于口碑未如理想,卡普空决定以回归《鬼泣》为重点,开发系列续作《鬼泣3》。《鬼泣3》于2005年3月1日在PlayStation
Based on the best-selling game, Devil May Cry 3 is an action-packed adventure, pitting good against evil...and brother against brother!Old man Arkham explains to Vergil the secret of the seven seals--once broken, they will unleash the demon world back onto the earth. But as the ultimate...
Devil May Cry: Debiru mei kurai: Con Toshiyuki Morikawa, Misato Fukuen, Akio Ôtsuka, Fumiko Orikasa. Dante, a superhuman son of a powerful murdered demon and human woman is a master of gun and sword who runs an "odd-job" agency. Despite financial trou
鬼泣3 Devil May Cry 3豆瓣评分:9.2 简介:鬼泣3,游戏名,由卡普空第一开发部(Capcom Production Stduio 1)制作发行。《鬼泣2》发售后,由于口碑未如理想,卡普空决定以回归《鬼泣》为重点,开发系列续作《鬼泣3》。《鬼泣3》于2005年3月1日在PlayStation