The Demon Handkerchief (Le Mouchoir du Diable) 1876 Modern Magic 195 Coin / Sleights / Vanish / Single Coin Vanishes / With Props Silk & Handkerchief / Devil's Handkerchief To Produce Eggs from an empty Handkerchief Another Method "Patter" for this and a "Cake" Trick (baking cake ...
Otherwise, they can try to use the Escape action with disadvantage to free themselves through the oesophagus. Roll (1d6) Rumour 1 The Lord of Flies himself is soon to grace their table, one of the deposed Kings of Hell exiled to Dis by the usurpers in Pandemonium. They must ensure that ...
Ever wondered why mankind is so obsessed with Apples? From keeping doctors away, to Adam and Eve having their day, all thanks to an apple – this fruit has held everyone’s fancy. Bhed-Chaal – The joy of traveling in the Hills- being one with nature History Here, in the early 1900s...
3d6 goblins can be found here at any given time, eating various creatures hunted throughout the Archive, heartfruit foraged from the Bloodwood, and of course the flesh of Zothotep the Hyperlich, gathered from the Canopic Maze (area 31). The Fodder Clan recently captured an adventurer, Vivi...