201, and 202 warnings. A group of 4 warnings (202, 200, 202, 201) will immediately follow the last 4. I'm not sure when these warnings started, but they have been going on for a couple of weeks at least. There are so many of them that it completely fills the devicesetup...
Regarding to event ID 200,201,202, you can refer to: 1.https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/3186.event-id-200-windows-diagnostics-performance.aspx 2./en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2008-R2-and-2008/cc774861(v=ws.10) ...
201, and 202 warnings. A group of 4 warnings (202, 200, 202, 201) will immediately follow the last 4. I'm not sure when these warnings started, but they have been going on for a couple of weeks at least. There are so many of them that it completely fills the devicesetup...