IoT devices have both industrial and consumer uses and are typically integrated into other tools such as mobile devices, industrial equipment and medical devices. Over a broad range, they can also beused in smart cities. They're then used to send data or interact with other IoT devices over ...
IoT business applications are various. Keen machines are evolving when, where and how work is done in for all intents and purposes each industry; yet, I'm not catching it's meaning for reality? IoT is a remarkable system associating machines, people, information and forms and is presently ...
This repo contains a suite of libraries for IoT devices/sensors/actuators. The suite is meant to be as dependency free and as idiomatic as possible. If you are interested in helping, feel free to look at the open issues mentioning help needed. If you have questions on how you implement so...
Setting the parent device in IoT Hub used to be an optional step for downstream devices that use symmetric key authentication. However, starting with version 1.1.0 every downstream device must be assigned to a parent device. You can configure the IoT Edge hub to go back to the previous behav...
IoT devices are being more and more used in various sectors, and even the most simple devices (like a fish-tank thermometer in a casino who can gather tens of GB of personal data and expose it to hackers, for example) can be potential gateways to private segments of a company’s ...
Types of gateways include routers, web application firewalls and email security gateways. Gateways are also frequently used within IoT and cloud environments. Gateways can operate at any layer of the OSI model. 4. Hub A hub is a physical device used to join multiple devices on the same LAN....
In today’s world, for each application, we have many devices and data points which are connected to a central server for data processing. These data points continuously emit metrics, and if monitored and calculated we can get some very useful insights f
has recently discovered the exact method through which MikroTik devices are used in Trickbot’s C2 infrastructure. In this blog, we will share our analysis of the said method and provide insights on how attackers gain access to MikroTik devices and use compromised IoT devices ...
IoTDA allows an application to call the API Creating a Batch Task to register a batch of devices. Alternatively, you can perform batch registration on the IoTDA console.
Arduino is used by millions worldwide to innovate in IoT and retrofit existing installations. The same tools that are easy for beginners are productive for professionals. Therefore, we’re excited to announce Arduino is also partnering with our Pelion Connectivity Management to give their users the...