一、函数说明 函数功能: 完成设备的初始化 函数位置: common/devices.c 二、程序分析 1intdevices_init (void)2{3#ifndef CONFIG_ARM/*already relocated for current ARM implementation*/4ulongrelocation_offset = gd->reloc_off;5inti;67/*relocate device name pointers*/8for(i =0; i < (sizeof(stdio...
1、adb devices 查看连接的设备 2、adb logcat -v -time > 1.log (文件名可随意更改) 启动adb 1.打开cmd首次使用adb devices,出现下面这两句,就是正在启动adb服务 C:\Users\admin>adb devices List of devices attached *daemon not running. starting it *daemon started successfully* 2.然后第二次继续输...
MSALInteractiveTokenParameters *parameters = [[MSALInteractiveTokenParameters alloc] initWithScopes:@[@"api://myapi/scope"] webviewParameters:[self msalTestWebViewParameters]]; parameters.loginHint = self.loginHintTextField.text; [application acquireTokenWithParameters:parameters completionBlock:completionBl...
Search Human Interface Devices (HID) Hidclass.h Hidpddi.h Hidpi.h Hidport.h Hidsdi.h Hidspicx.h Kbdmou.h Ntdd8042.h Vhf.h Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Article 01/24/2023 ...
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void init_timer(struct timer_list * timer); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 使用时钟,先声明一个timer_list结构,调用init_timer对它进行初始化。time_list结构里expires是标明这个时钟的周期,单位采用jiffies的单位。jiffies是Linux一个全局变量,代表时间。它的单位随硬件平台的不同而不同。系统里...
UsbSetupPacket initSetupPacket = new UsbSetupPacket() { Request = initRequest, RequestType = new UsbControlRequestType() { Recipient = UsbControlRecipient.DefaultInterface, ControlTransferType = UsbControlTransferType.Vendor } }; await device.SendOutC...
init_scale=1.0, shard_activations=True, data_axis='data', model_axis='model'), vocab_size=131072, pad_token=0, eos_token=2, sequence_len=8192, model_size=6144, embedding_init_scale=1.0, embedding_multiplier_scale=78.38367176906169, output_multiplier_scale=0.5773502691896257, name=None, fprop...
sel NOTE: System Event Log (SEL) entry-times are displayed as `Pre-Init Time-stamp' if the SEL clock needs to be set. Ensure that the SEL clock is accurate by invoking the sel time get and sel time set commands. info This command will query the BMC for information about the System...
The IWiaMiniDrv::drvInitItemProperties method initializes WIA driver item properties for each item in an application item tree. drvLockWiaDevice The IWiaMiniDrv::drvLockWiaDevice method locks the WIA hardware device so that only the current minidriver can access it. ...