device-detector是一个非常实用的user agent分析库,可以非常容易地获取客户端各类信息.获取设备类型台式机平板桌面移动手机电视盒子车载系统命令行控制台获取客户端类型浏览器feed阅读器媒体播放器PIM软件(各类邮箱程序)同时可以获取各种操作系统/品牌/型号等.基本使用使用方式非常简单,只要引入自动加载文件就能立即上手:支持的...
composer require matomo/device-detector And use some code like this one: require_once'vendor/autoload.php';useDeviceDetector\ClientHints;useDeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;useDeviceDetector\Parser\Device\AbstractDeviceParser;// OPTIONAL: Set version truncation to none, so full versions will be returned//...
只需将piwik/device-detector添加到您的项目需求中。使用类似这样的代码: require_once'vendor/autoload.php';useDeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;useDeviceDetector\Parser\Device\DeviceParserAbstract;// OPTIONAL: Set version truncation to none, so full versions will be returned// By default only minor versions ...
1. Launch Device Detector: Simply open the app, and it immediately begins searching for nearby Bluetooth and WiFi devices. 2. Explore and Move: As you move, our app guides you with a dynamic distance in meters, helping you close in on your lost device. ...
device-detector-js/dist/index.d.ts Version: 1.17 kBTypeScriptView Raw 1 import { ClientResult } from "./parsers/client"; 2 import { DeviceResult } from "./parsers/device"; 3 import { Result as OperatingSystemResult } from "./parsers/operating-system"; ...
device-detector是一个非常实用的user agent分析库,可以非常容易的获取客户端各类信息.获取设备类型台式机 平板桌面 移动手机 电视盒子 车载系统 命令行控制台获取客户端类型浏览器 feed阅读器 媒体播放器 PIM软件(各类邮箱程序)同时可以获取各种操作系统/品牌/型号等....
4.0 • 9 Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description This is a tool to scan and analyze all devices on your local network. It is an essential app to protect your privacy. We will regularly update the app to improve your experience. ...
importBotDetectorfrom"device-detector-js/dist/parsers/bot";constbotDetector=newBotDetector();constuserAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25 (compatible; Googlebot-Mobile/2.1; +http://www...
device-detector"; import DeviceHelper from "node-device-detector/helper"; const detector = new DeviceDetector(); const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36'; const result = detector....