set mfe device cpu-reset 命令功能 set mfe device cpu-reset命令用来复位CPU。 命令格式 set mfe slotslot-idfe-idfe-iddevicecpu-reset[disable|enable|upper-limitclear] 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 fe-idfe-id 多核引擎转发ID。 整数形式,取值范围是0~3。
Full capacity mode :When you use the laptop regularly, you can set the standard profile to allow for a full 100% charge. Balanced mode:When using the laptop in meetings, you can use Balanced mode to allow charging up to 80%. Maximum Lifespan mode:When you always plug-in your charger, ...
set mfe device cpu-reset命令用来复位CPU。 命令格式 set mfe slot slot-id fe-id fe-id device cpu-reset [ disable | enable | upper-limit clear ] 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 fe-id fe-id 多核引擎转发ID。 整数形式,取值范围是0~3。 disable 去使能CPU复位功能。 - enable 使能CPU复位功能。 -...
Full capacity mode :When you use the laptop regularly, you can set the standard profile to allow for a full 100% charge. Balanced mode:When using the laptop in meetings, you can use Balanced mode to allow charging up to 80%. Maximum Lifespan mode:When you always plug-in your charger, ...
device = torch.device(cpu) tensor ="cpu")"cpu") 1. 2. 3. tensor和module的to()方法的区别是执行的不是 inplace 操作,因此需要赋值;执行的是 inplace 操作。 下面的代码是转换数据类型
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.``` 解决办法: 将以下命令拷贝到.bashrc文件的最后一行,保存并退出。 export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH 执行如下命令更新环境变量 ...
Use the Filters menu to set up custom filters for which events will be displayed. Click the Clear button to delete all ETW events from the table. This does not disable any providers. You can click Save to file to export the currently collected ETW events to a local CSV file....
🚀 A simple way to launch, train, and use PyTorch models on almost any device and distributed configuration, automatic mixed precision (including fp8), and easy-to-configure FSDP and DeepSpeed support - huggingface/accelerate
If you set the time zone or daylight saving time after you configure this command, the device recalculates the system time. To view the system time, use the display clock command. Examples # Set the system time to 08:08:08 01/01/2012. <Sysname> clock datetime 8:8:8 1/1/2012 # Se...
Use the.thread (Set Register Context)command together with Parameter 1. Then usekb (Display Stack Backtrace)to find the location where the thread is stuck. If the kernel debugger is already connected and running when Windows detects a time-out condition. ThenDbgBreakPointwill be called inst...