If the security capability of your device isn't what you'd like it to be, you might need to turn on certain hardware features (such as secure boot, if supported) or change the settings in your system's BIOS. Contact your hardware manufacturer to see what features are supported by...
Return whether security logging is enabled or not by the admin. IsUninstallBlocked(ComponentName, String) Check whether the user has been blocked by device policy from uninstalling a package. IsUsingUnifiedPassword(ComponentName) When called by a profile owner of a managed profile returns true if...
The Solaris Security Toolkit, informally known as the JASS toolkit, is a tool that enables the user to perform security modifications to a system. The tool can provide a report on the security status of a system. The tool also has the ability to undo previous runs of the tool. The JASS...
The features and security you configure in the user enrollment profile only exist in the work partition. They don't exist in the user partition. Users can't factory reset the work partition; administrators can. Users can factory reset the personal partition; administrators can't. If users ...
Learn about supported features. Device features matrix Last updatedAugust 2, 2024. Clickhereto open an Excel spreadsheet with a list of supported device features per product family. Επιπλέονεπιλογές υποστήριξης ...
IoT solutions have the challenge of securing diverse and heterogeneous device-based workloads with little or no direct interaction. IoT device builders, IoT application developers, and IoT solution operators share responsibility for security during the full IoT solution ...
Device administrators have access to the tabs as checked by the Cisco ISE administrator from the following check boxes: WLAN, Controller, Wireless, Security, Management, and Commands. Nexus The following options are available for the Cisco ISE administrator to control a device administrator...
To enhance system security, disable password recovery capability.Restrictions and guidelinesTo access the device configuration without authentication, you must connect to the master device and access the BootWare menu while the master device is starting up....
SDK Privacy and Security Statement Result Codes Appendix Supported Countries/Regions Integrating the HMS Core SDK into Your Eclipse Project Location Kit About the Service Service Pricing Android Service Introduction Version Change History Getting Started Preparations Configuring App Informati...
Constants that indicate the interface type for the device or an object that has a trait environment, such as a view and view controller. funcUI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() ->UIUserInterfaceIdiom Returns the interface idiom supported by the current device (recommended for apps that run in versions ...