DP Client 是 DeviceProfile 的客户端,其他服务可以通过 DP Client 来调用 DeviceProfile 的接口进行数据同步、数据变更等。CS 负责采集本设备的设备信息; ㆍ HiChain:设备互信认证服务,管理设备的可信群组; ㆍ 分布式数据管理服务:DeviceProfile 通过分布式数据管理服务插入、更新、查询、删除及同步设备信息。 接下来...
还有各种设备子协议(device profile),为各种不同类型设备定义对象字典中的对象。目前已有5种同的设备子协议,并有几种 … denidewo.blog.163.com|基于60个网页 2. 设备描述档 此一目标必须借助设备描述档(Device Profile)和文件描述档(Document Profile)来达成。设备描述档纪录著某一已知设备究 … ...
DeviceProfileManagerSingleton->SetActiveDeviceProfile(ActiveProfile);//now we allow the cvar changes to be acknowledgedCVarDeviceProfileOverride.AsVariable()->SetOnChangedCallback(FConsoleVariableDelegate::CreateLambda([](IConsoleVariable*Variable) { UDeviceProfileManager::Get().HandleDeviceProfileOverrideChan...
肺气肿lvrs支气管profiledevicelvrc 器械概要 对进展型肺气肿患者应用 一种全新的肺封闭填充胶进行内镜肺减容术的评价 医疗设备·专家综述8(3), 307–312 (2011) Felix JF Herth†1, Ralf Eberhardt1, Edward P Ingenito2 and Daniela Gompelmann1 1Pneumology and Critical Care Medicine, Thoraxklinik, Unive...
profile n. 1. 面部的侧影;侧面轮廓 2. 概述;简介;传略 3. 印象;形象 4. 外形;轮廓 5.【习语】a high/low profile高/低调 v.[T] 【书面】扼要介绍;概 device n. 1. 器具,器械,仪器;装置;设备;机件;发明物;(尤指作特定用途的)机械装置,电气装置 2.(为实现某种目的的)计划;手段;策略,谋略;诡计...
+DeviceProfileNameAndTypes=LinuxNoEditor,LinuxNoEditor +DeviceProfileNameAndTypes=LinuxServer,LinuxServer [Windows DeviceProfile] DeviceType=Windows BaseProfileName= +CVars=ShowFlag.Materials=0 +CVars=foliage.UseOcclusionType=0 +CVars=;ShowFlag.AmbientCubemap=0 ...
Intune includes some features in the Endpoint Manager admin center to help monitor and manage your device configuration profiles. For example, you can check the status of a profile, see which devices are assigned to it, and update the properties of a profile....
The inclusion of a feature in a profile indicates that support for that feature is common in the class of devices for which that profile is defined. However, it does not mean that every device in a profile supports every feature. For example, most, but not all, mobile phones contain an ...
A ZigBee Device Profile (ZDP) is a specialized application profile within the ZigBee network that allows for discovering, configuring, and maintaining ZigBee devices and services. It contains commands for exploring different aspects of nodes in the network and provides standard services for querying app...
1. perfected, for fastening a profile IPN a standardized profile, characterized in that consists essentially of two pieces interrelated and abrazantes together with the standard one wing profile IPN device profile; one of the parts is extremely flat and rectangular preferred configuration with ...