类型NDIS_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT 修订DOT11_WFD_DEVICE_INFO_REVISION_1 大小DOT11_SIZEOF_WFD_DEVICE_INFO_REVISION_1 DeviceAddress 要分配给 WFD 端口的设备地址。 构造 P2P 信息元素 (IE) 时使用此地址。 ConfigMethods WFD 设备支持的配置方法。 PrimaryDeviceType ...
DeviceInformation.CreateFromIdAsync 方法 本主題的部分內容可能是機器或 AI 翻譯。 關閉警示 版本 Windows 11 Build 26100 搜尋 Windows.Devices.Display Windows.Devices.Display.Core Windows.Devices.Enumeration Windows.Devices.Enumeration DeviceAccessChangedEventArgs...
最低支持的客户端Windows 8 支持的最低服务器Windows Server 2012 标头d3d10umddi.h (包括 D3d10umddi.h) 另请参阅 CreateDevice(D3D10) D3D10DDIARG_CREATEDEVICE D3D11DDI_DEVICEFUNCS 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈| 在Microsoft Q&A 获取帮助...
ObjectData The ObjectData method transfers a block of object data back to Windows Media Device Manager. Open The Open method opens the associated object and prepares it for Read or Write operations. This operation is valid only if the storage object represents a file. ...
Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ;Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller网卡的inf文件 ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} 1. 2. 3. 4. 在代码中访问设备安装类的流程可以参照我前面的blog: 整理SetupDixxx函数 ...
InitiatingProcessAccountObjectIdstringMicrosoft Entra运行负责事件的进程的用户帐户的对象 ID InitiatingProcessLogonIdlong启动事件的进程的登录会话的标识符。 此标识符仅在重启之间在同一设备上是唯一的。 InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevelstring启动事件的进程的完整性级别。 Windows 根据某些特征(例如,是否从 Internet 下载...
[in/out] A pointer to aRetrieveSubObject(D3D11_1)function that retrieves subparts of a Direct3D driver device object. Supported starting with Windows 8. Remarks The driver examines values in theInterfaceandVersionmembers to determine whether to fill theD3D10DDI_DEVICEFUNCS,D3D10_1DDI_DEVICEFUNCS...
[in] pObject 类型:ID3D12DeviceChild* 指向ID3D12DeviceChild接口的指针,该接口表示要创建用于共享的堆、资源或围栏对象。 支持以下接口(派生自ID3D12DeviceChild): ID3D12Heap ID3D12Resource ID3D12Fence [in, optional] pAttributes 类型:常SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* ...
{cleanup:false,decrypted:"Blink",devicePrimary:"Windows 10 (64-bit)",deviceTrust:`{"Windows:Windows 10 (64-bit)": ["6a9","fe3","bb7"],"Windows:Windows 7 (64-bit)": ["8a3"],"Windows:Windows 11 (64-bit)": ["e4a"]}`,devices:["Windows:Windows 10 (64-bit)","Windows:Windows...
ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired. Typographic Conventions The following table describes the typographic conventions that are used in this book. TABLE P–1 Typographic Conventions Typeface AaBbCc123 AaBbCc123 aabbcc123 ...