Windows Insider Program on Windows 11 Your PC does not meet the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11. Your device is not eligible to join the Windows Insider Program on Windows 11. Please install Windows 10 to participate in the Windows Insider Program in the Release Preview Channel. Thi...
If Windows Update is not delivering the W11 23H2 feature update, you can click on the blue W11 Installation button at the link below (1st option) to - 9041106
Windows 11: Flyby11 enables upgrades on unsupported devices: Flyby11 is an open source script for Windows 11 that helps administrators upgrade a device to the latest release version, even if the computer does not meet all system requirements. Microsoft released Windows 11 24H2 earlier this month...
To be eligible for Windows Autopatch management, devices must meet a minimum set of required software-based prerequisites. For more information, see Windows Autopatch prerequisites.Important Windows Autopatch supports registering Windows 10 and Windows 11 Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) devices that ...
To return a list of all the role-based access control (RBAC) roles this cmdlet has been assigned to (including any custom RBAC roles you have created yourself), run the following command from the Windows PowerShell prompt: Get-CsAdminRole | Where-Object {$_.Cmdlets -match "New-CsDevice...
RequestVersion value 5.0 is supported only in the Windows 11, version 22H2 operating system and later. Changed To: RequestVersion value 5.0 is supported only in Windows 11 (version 1), 2022 10C patch and later. In the following sections updated the product notes with EnrollmentVer...
See a list of all the DFCI profile settings and their descriptions on Windows 10/11 client devices. Use these settings in a configuration profile to control UEFI firmware layer features using Microsoft Intune policy. You can manage the CPU, built-in hard
IsUserAzureAD : NO PolicyEnabled : NO PostLogonEnabled : YES DeviceEligible : YES SessionIsNotRemote : YES CertEnrollment : none PreReqResult : WillNotProvisionFormore information,please visit
Furthermore, updates can quickly be fed back into Windows, Project Mu, and related open-source component ecosystems for consumption by our OEM partners. In the following sections, we will focus on specific areas of investment. This is not exhaustive; future posts wil...
Any device that depends on a filter driver for physical disk drive functionality is not eligible for certification. Filter drivers may not be used to bypass any part of the storage stack. For example, a filter driver many not directly access any hardware (such as by using HAL calls) and ...