[Manager <String>]: The name of the contact's manager. [MiddleName <String>]: The contact's middle name. [MobilePhone <String>]: The contact's mobile phone number. [MultiValueExtendedProperties <IMicrosoftGraphMultiValueLegacyExtendedProperty- []>]: The collection of mult...
可取值为:unknown、compliant、noncompliant、conflict、error、inGracePeriod、configManager。 jailBroken String 设备是否越狱或已获取 root 权限。 默认值为空字符串。 支持$filter运算符“eq”和“or”。 此属性是只读的。 managementAgent managementAgentType 设备的管理通道。 示例:Intune、EAS 等。默认值未知。
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"]) implementation 'androidx.localbroadcastmanager:localbroadcastmanager:1.0.0' implementation 'org.eclipse.paho:org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3:1.2.5' implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.6' implementation group: 'org.bouncycastle', name...
[CloudPcRemoteActionResults <IMicrosoftGraphCloudPcRemoteActionResult- []>]: [ActionName <String>]: The specified action. Supported values in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager portal are: Reprovision, Resize, Restore. Supported values in enterprise Cloud PC devices are: Reboot, Rename...
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The Secure Firewall migration tool supports migration to threat defense devices managed by the management center and cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center. Management Center The management center is a powerful, web-based, mult...
The Device Manager can answer that question. To check, launch "devmgmt.msc", select Resources by Connection in the View Menu, and expand the Memory node. On my laptop, the primary consumer of mapped device memory is, unsurprisingly, the video card, which consumes 256MB in the range E...
With Mobile Device Manager Plus, organizations can Onboard and provision Leverage automated, out-of-the-box enrollment and authentication for corporate devices. Enroll personal devices using email or SMS invites, or create a self-service portal for enrollment without requiring admin intervention. ...
Device support Samsung Get step-by-step help and info for your device. App management AT&T Trade-in Backup & storage Battery Calling & contacts Connectivity Device info Email and messaging Getting started Key features & apps Photos, videos, and media ...
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