DeviceManager是华为技术有限公司开发的集成存储管理软件。存储系统出厂时,DeviceManager管理软件已经加载在存储系统中。在任意一台与存储系统连接的维护终端上,通过浏览器访问存储系统控制器的管理网口IP地址,使用本地用户名或域用户名,可以登录DeviceManager管理界面。 前提条件 使用DeviceManager前请先检查维护终端是否满足使...
DeviceManager软件仅支持TLS(Transport Layer Security)协议(包括TLS 1.0,TLS 1.1和TLS 1.2)。 控制器A的管理网口IP地址的默认值为“”,控制器B的管理网口IP地址的默认值为“”,子网掩码的默认值为“”。 超级管理员的默认用户名和密码分别为“admin”和“Admin@storage”。
重启DeviceManager。 admin:/>change user_mode current_mode user_mode=developer DANGER: You are about to switch to the developer view. Commands in this view must be run under the guidance of R&D engineers. You can choose whether to run this command. If you run this command to switch to the...
If you run into the situation – Device Manager blocked by administrator with the error “this app has been blocked for your protection. An administrator has blocked you from running this app. For more information, contact the administrator”, you can choose to run Device Manager with admin pri...
IsLocalAdmin boolean 布爾值指標,指出使用者是否為裝置上的本機系統管理員 LogonId long 登入會話的標識碼。 此標識碼只有在重新啟動時才會在同一部裝置上是唯一的。 RemoteDeviceName string 在受影響裝置上執行遠端作業的裝置名稱。 視所報告的事件而定,此名稱可以是完整功能變數名稱 (FQDN) 、NetBIOS 名稱或沒...
The Enterprise Mobility Manager (EMM) provider field populates automatically as Workspace ONE UEM. Select Next. The Data Protection Officer and EU Representative information is optional. Make sure to confirm that you have read and agreed to the Managed Google Play agreement. S...
Linux in LPAR mode Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM) technology always divides IBM Z hardware resources into one or more logical partitions (LPARs). Linux in LPAR mode runs directly in an LPAR. Linux on z/VM The z/VM hypervisor is an IBM Z operating system that can run in...
device manager resources by connection memory interpretation Device Registration - Azure AD Join option missing in Win10?? DeviceGuard GPO CSE Error because of missing registry value DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider Error, loose focus off programs DHCP missing from Admin Tools and MMC dhc...
Linux in LPAR mode Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM) technology always divides IBM Z hardware resources into one or more logical partitions (LPARs). Linux in LPAR mode runs directly in an LPAR. Linux on z/VM The z/VM hypervisor is an IBM Z operating system that can run in...
Initially, you can log into the device manager using the admin username only. However, you can then configure authorization for additional users defined in an external AAA server, as described in Managing Device Manager and Threat Defense User Access. There can be up to 5 active logins...