从signature中获取签名,校验其签名。 从payload中获取涉诈剧本检测结果,格式和样例摘录如下: { "timestampMs": 9xxxxxxxxx, "nonce": "Rxxxxxxxxx", "appId": "xxxxxxxxx", "version": 1, "riskScore": 90, "tags": [ "phishing", "malware", "interdiction", "control" ] } 说明 具体字段解释请参...
[DeviceB] display pki certificate local filename rsakey_local.cer The x509_obj type is Cert: Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 1144733510 (0x443b3f46) Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=cn, ST=beijing, L=BB, O=BB, OU=BB, CN=BB Validity Not Before...
Device type: The value is fixed at 0, indicating a device ID. Password signature type: The length is 1 byte, and the value can be 0 or 1. 0: The timestamp is not verified using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. 1: The timestamp is verified using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. Timestamp: ...
Use the File Signature Verification tool The File Signature Verification tool lists all the unsigned drivers that are installed on your computer. It creates a Sigverif.txt log that is located in the %SystemRoot% folder. Use any text editor (for example, Notepad) to view the file. To use the...
The certificate you are about to import has the following security risks: a certificate loading error (the certificate fails to be loaded, the certificate key fails to be obtained, certificate public information fails to be obtained, the certificate signature algorithm fails to be obtained). ...
You can block the installation of device drivers that do not contain a digital signature. Use this approach when you want to prevent any deliberate attempts to destabilize the computer. To do this, follow these steps: ClickStart, clickRun, ty...
The hash is performed on a message of the form: URL-encoded-resourceURI + "\n" + expiry. Important: The key must be decoded from base64 before being used to perform the HMAC-SHA256 computation. Also, the signature result must be URL-encoded. {resourceURI} URI of the registration ...
The shared access key attribute name in a connection string. SHARED_ACCESS_TOKEN_ATTRIBUTE public static final String SHARED_ACCESS_TOKEN_ATTRIBUTE Deprecated as of release 1.2.27 this value is deprecated and will not be replaced. The shared access signature attribute name in a connection string. ...
"signature": { "node_descriptor": "NodeDescriptor(logical_type=<LogicalType.EndDevice: 2>, complex_descriptor_available=0, user_descriptor_available=0, reserved=0, aps_flags=0, frequency_band=<FrequencyBand.Freq2400MHz: 8>, mac_capability_flags=<MACCapabilityFlags.AllocateAddress: 128>, manufact...
signature_enable Boolean Parameter description: whether to enable a signature. The token takes effect only when this parameter is set to true. You are advised to set this parameter to true to use the token signature to check whether messages are from the platform. token String Parameter descripti...