重启后 Windows 会进入 Credential Guard Opt-out Tool,此时按下Windows 徽标键或F3后再按下回车即可...
控制面板-所有控制面板项-程序和功能 二、禁用Device Guard:键盘同时按下[Windows键+R键] 打开“运行”,输入 gpedit.msc ,依次进入本地计算机策略 -计算机配置-管理模板-系统-Device Guard 将“基于虚拟化的安全设置”设置为 “已禁用”,然后确定,退出。 本地计算机策略 -计算机配置-管理模板-系统-Device Guard ...
Windows 11 企業版和 Windows 11 教育版系統需求 從版本 22H2 開始,Windows Defender Credential Guard 預設為開啟。這適用於符合下列需求的 Windows 11 企業版和 Windows 11 教育版電腦: 元件最低需求 處理器 Intel 第 11 代 Core 處理器和更新版本 (Windows 11 22H2 版本開始支援第 8 代或更新...
Summary: Het volgende artikel bevat informatie over de vereisten voor Apparaat en Credential Guard voor Windows 11 Enterprise- en Education-edities op Latitude, OptiPlex en Precision computers.Detailed Article Instructions Provide Feedback Please select a product to check article relev...
It turns on Windows Virtualization Based Security and Device Guard technologies. Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT): The WPBT allows vendors and OEMs to run an .exe program in the UEFI layer. Every time Windows boots, it looks at the UEFI, and runs the .exe. Use this feature ...
@Rudy_Ooms_MVPI tested by removing the regkey./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/DmaGuard/DeviceEnumerationPolicy and have succesfully arrived at reseal screen. Obviously this is not a full time solution, but an easy workaround. I have updated my Microsoft Case # with...
@Rudy_Ooms_MVPI tested by removing the regkey./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/DmaGuard/DeviceEnumerationPolicy and have succesfully arrived at reseal screen. Obviously this is not a full time solution, but an easy workaround. I have updated my Microsoft Case # with this info...
官方给的不好用,一条命令搞定:bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off 如果想重新开启 bcdedit /set ...
Only Windows 11 devices will have values "systemGuardSecureLaunch" or "firmwareAttackSurfaceReduction" or "disabled". Windows 10 devices will have value "notApplicable". [HealthAttestationSupportedStatus <String>]: This attribute indicates if DHA is supported for the device [He...
虚拟机无法正常运行,报错VMware Workstation 与 Device/Credential Guard 不兼容 关闭hyper,设置bios的virtual enable,管理员cmd设置 bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off 各种办法都尝试过以后还是不行,最后关掉内核隔离,运行成功 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41339564/article/details/102619155...