重启后 Windows 会进入 Credential Guard Opt-out Tool,此时按下Windows 徽标键或F3后再按下回车即可...
My computer is using Device guard to block a new game I paid for on steam. I was wondering how I can disable device guard or at least adjust what it is allowed to block? Thank you.Windows 11 Windows 11 A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of ...
如果”基于虚拟化的安全性“显示为已关闭,则侧面证明Device Guard已经关闭,此时开始界面中的睡眠也已经是原有的S3睡眠了。 另,S0、S3睡眠与休眠的区别为: S0睡眠是所谓“现代待机”,风扇工作,CPU工作,网络连接正常,可以理解为“低功耗状态”,但耗电仍较多; S3睡眠将数据保存在内存中,除内存外其余部件断电,耗电较...
Accept the prompt on the boot screen to disable Device Guard or Credential Guard. 译文: 目的 本文提供了为Windows 10 Enterprise主机禁用Credential Guard或Device Guard的步骤。 原因 出现此问题是因为Device Guard或Credential Guard与Workstation不兼容。 解决方案 要禁用 Device Guard 或 Credential Guard: 禁用...
I'm trying to resurrect an old 2016 T460s and I can't seem to disable Device Guard. I want to boot to a USB drive. It has a (known) password on boot up. When I go into the BIOS, I can't change the Startup options as all the options say "* Unselectable for De...
Windows 安全性應用程式 Microsoft Intune 行動裝置管理 (MDM) Microsoft Configuration Manager 群組原則 PowerShell Windows 10 和 Windows 11 中預設會設定惡意探索保護。 您可以將每個緩和措施設定為開啟、關閉或設為預設值。 有些緩和措施有其他選項。 您可以將這些設定匯出為 XML 檔案,並...
Credential Guard Microsoft vulnerable driver blocklistSecurity processor The Security processor settings under the Device Security page in the Windows Security app provide details about the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) on your device. The TPM is a hardware component designed to ...
You might have to disable secure boot to run some graphics cards, hardware, or operating systems such as Linux or earlier versions of Windows. To learn more, seeSecure boot. Hardware security capability The last section of the device security page displays information indicating the...
While installing VMware Workstation Pro in both (Windows 10 and Windows 11), I see this message. I did Google search and found ways for disabling Hyper-V and Device/Credential Guard. Please let me know, If I disable Hyper-V and Device/Credential Guard, what can be its effect for W...
Update on this saga. I successfully resealed a couple of Windows 11 devices, but now the issue has returned - same thing - device reboots and does not return to reseal screen, Very weird. Microsoft have notified me that they are still reviewing the diag logs I...