启动项设置 -console -novid -freq 240 -tickrate 128 -w 1280 -h 960 +exec config.cfg +clientport 27022
玩机器聊V社禁用snapTap和急停cfg 一键跳投也一刀切了 刚买的雷蛇键盘还没怎么用就被封了 直接拿来收藏了 08:51 玩机器看NIKO大表哥VS总监胖球的视频 直言比黄片都好看 四个指挥的对决 03:16 玩机器看ropz幽默炸车 车主把自己911炸了 cy1四杀FAZE 01:31 玩机器看FAZE 2-0 RA 本来今天有机会进图三的...
donk打这么菜,不会是换鼠标和cfg了吧? 02:16 玩机器直播看米娜,直呼holy shit bro! 01:03 顶级盗播玩机器,看ququ前先上贡一个火箭! 02:16 玩机器畅谈校园生活/历史/工作/家境“我本质还是爱学习的,羡慕校园生活,但辍学之后遨游在游戏里” 14:23 玩机器谈戒烟历程,畅谈动漫“看到白死的时候,我直接...
启动项设置 -console -novid -freq 240 -tickrate 128 -w 1280 -h 960 +exec config.cfg +clientport 27022
device/google/pantah/conf/init.recovery.device.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_RECOVERY)/root/init.recovery.ravenclaw.rc # insmod files PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ device/google/pantah/init.insmod.ravenclaw.cfg:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init.insmod.ravenclaw.cfg # Camera PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ device...
init.insmod.crosshatch.cfg Load v4l2 and heatmap modules for b1 and c1 Sep 14, 2018 init.insmod.sh b1c1: init rc: move qseecomd and enable UFS boottime setting Mar 16, 2018 init.logging.rc Add modem extended logging support Mar 14, 2019 ...
求助关于CS。GO..解决方法;我也是调完分辨率之后闪退的,只要是因为调整分辨率而出现的这种情况的。解决方法-h 1280 -w 960 加入启动项,数字可修改。简单有效,进入游戏在调整你需要的分辨率即可。
$(LOCAL_PATH)/init.insmod.sunfish.cfg:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init.insmod.sunfish.cfg # Use /product/etc/fstab.postinstall to mount system_other PRODUCT_PRODUCT_PROPERTIES += \ ro.postinstall.fstab.prefix=/product # Set support one-handed mode PRODUCT_PRODUCT_PROPERTIES += \ ...
To prevent system hangs caused by improper IDE emulation, the version number of the EISA configuration utility (ECU) that contains the!DPTA401.CFGfile should not be before 6B3. If it is, obtain a newer version from your vendor and rerun the ECU. ...
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