Update-MgDeviceManagementDeviceConfigurationDeviceStateSummary [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>] [-CompliantDeviceCount <Int32>] [-ConflictDeviceCount <Int32>] [-ErrorDeviceCount <Int32>] [-Id <String>] [-NonCompliant...
{ "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationSettingState", "setting": "String", "settingName": "String", "instanceDisplayName": "String", "state": "String", "errorCode": 1024, "errorDescription": "String", "userId": "String", "userName": "String", "u...
{ "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceConfigurationUserStateSummary", "id": "String (identifier)", "unknownUserCount": 1024, "notApplicableUserCount": 1024, "compliantUserCount": 1024, "remediatedUserCount": 1024, "nonCompliantUserCount": 1024, "errorUserCount": 1024, "conflictUserC...
The traditional upgrade method causes service interruption for a relatively long time and is therefore not applicable to scenarios requiring short service interruption time. The fast upgrade function can be used in these scenarios.Why an Interface Does Not Enter the linkdown State When Its Receiving ...
To alter a Shared iPads configuration to not have temporary sessions, the device will need to be fully reset and a new enrollment profile with the updated configurations will need to be sent down to the iPad. In theSync with computerslist, select an option for the devices that use this pr...
local-user admin state block fail-times 3 interval 5 //Set admin to be locked out for 5 minutes after three consecutive failed login attempts. …..//Add other users that are allowed to log in as required. For details, see the preceding configuration method of the admin user. # ...
The device identified as sensor is not the FTD device; the system does not determine if a deployed configuration may interrupt traffic on this device. For information on all configurations that restart the Snort process for all device types, see Configura...
{"applicablePages":[],"dynamicByCoreNode":false,"description":"The Microsoft Footer","fetchedContent":null,"__typename":"ComponentConfiguration"},"props":[],"__typename":"ComponentProperties"},"form":null,"__typename":"Component","localOverride":false},"globalCss":{"css":"...
IP Service Activator attempts to discover capabilities for all devices that have not had capabilities returned. It does not rediscover capabilities where they have already been reported. To update previously found device capabilities: Unmanage the device ensuring IP Service Activator configuration is left...
Settingsconfiguration. If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN ...