Samsung Device Care Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 备份文件和设置并轻松恢复它们。从管理更新和存储到优化内存,您的 Galaxy Book 让设备维护变得轻而易举。 在更新和安装之前创建还原点,以保护您的 Galaxy Book 免遭不必要的更改。 轻松查找和删除重复文件、临时文件和其他占用 Galaxy Book 空间的不必要文件。 部...
设备维护软件(Device care)v12.2.01.2 安卓版 软件大小:8.37M 软件语言:简体中文 软件授权:共享软件 软件类型:安卓应用 / 手机工具 软件平台:Android 更新时间:2021-08-05 19:27 软件厂商:中国三星投资有限公司 星级评分: 软件官网: 顶好评:50% 踩坏评:50 本地下载文件大小:8.37M...
To keep up with the nuts and bolts of your phone's performance, use the Device care feature. It provides an overview of your battery, storage, RAM, and security. You can also automatically optimize your phone for faster, better performance. Keep reading
還可以檢視和清理存儲空間、自行診斷問題或請求技術支援。當電視診斷完成後,會自行清除緩存的內存,並關閉未使用的後台APP釋放內存。請依下列步驟了解如何在Samsung TV上執行Device Care掃描。 Notification of TV Status 類別 條件 中等 快閃可用空間為0%(如用戶界面中所示),可用儲存空間低於70MB ...
Free download Samsung Device Care Latest version - Find and delete duplicated files on your computer.
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If your computer is lagging after you unintentionally installed a program, restore your computer using Samsung Device Care. Samsung Device Care automatically creates a restore point, so you can restore the computer to a previous state. If your computer
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Samsung Care+: Powerful Protection for your Galaxy life covers Unlimited Drops, Spills, and Mechanical Breakdown Samsung Care+ Essentials: Protection for your Galaxy life covers Mechanical BreakdownFor more information, visit