The Devas, distressed that the Asuras have re-grouped and once again overturned the world-order, invoke the Devi in a magnificent hymn, theAparajita-stutiorTantrika Devi Suktam, the twenty slokas beginning with ‘ya devi sarva bhuteshu, praise to the invincible Goddess , which celebrates her im...
Yaa Devi Sarva Bhootheshu - Language: Sanskrit; Genre: Amman-Devi SlokasGopika Poornima 查看更多 相似歌曲 Cry For YouWatch with Caution 如果这就是爱情倩门西 安和桥(完整版)EchoStar 我只能离开颜人中 ByeBye2024老圈C,Jiaber老吴 失忆(深情版)SunChord 爱错En 孤单心事(DJ阿智Remix)DJ阿智...