TheImage Pickerdialog allows you to select and usefont iconsavailable in Microsoft Windows® 10 and newer operating systems. #Important Font Icon Limitations Afont iconis an SVG image that contains a character from a special font shipped with the operating system. Since an SVG image with text...
The active editor changes its position when FilterEditor is moved to a screen with a different DPI. The folder explorer does not correctly work in CheckBoxRowSelect mode. The form shadow is shown separately when High DPI is used. There is no way to get ComboBox items using an accessible to...
Users can select and highlight items on a map. You can use the built-in API to respond to user selection actions. Search Panel If the search functionality is enabled, users can input search queries into the search panel. Mini Map Duplicates the current map at a lower zoom level and allow...
(&P)"; case StringId.TextEditMenuSelectAll:return "全选(&A)"; case StringId.TextEditMenuUndo:return "撤消(&U)"; case StringId.UnknownPictureFormat:return "未知图片格式"; case StringId.DateEditToday:return "今天"; case StringId.DateEditClear:return "清空"; case StringId.DataEmpty:return...
case StringId.TextEditMenuSelectAll:return "全选(&A)"; case StringId.TextEditMenuUndo:return "撤消(&U)"; case StringId.UnknownPictureFormat:return "未知图片格式"; case StringId.DateEditToday:return "今天"; case StringId.DateEditClear:return "清空"; case StringId.DataEmpty:return "...
To execute a search, click the new 'Find & Select' Ribbon item (or press CTRL+F), enter text within the Find box and click the Find All button. The Spreadsheet will display search results as clickable table rows. Results will include each cell reference and its associated value. A click...
case StringId.TextEditMenuSelectAll:return "全选(&A)"; case StringId.TextEditMenuUndo:return "撤消(&U)"; case StringId.UnknownPictureFormat:return "未知图片格式"; case StringId.DateEditToday:return "今天"; case StringId.DateEditClear:return "清空"; ...
Band hierarchy within the Field selector. New API allows you to customize the field and operator lists, operand template, and prohibit group/condition operations. Improved appearance. Excel-Style Drop-Down Filter Customization- You can handle the 'ExcelStyleFilterElement.QueryOperators' event to chang...
本文将介绍了DevExpress WinForms v18.1 的新功能,快来下载试用新版本!点击下载>> Skins and Vector Icons New Skin Selector 随着新版本的Bezier矢量皮肤(提供数十种独特的皮肤预设或色板)的发布,传统的皮肤画廊可能... 【重大更新】DevExpress v17.2新版亮点—Bootstrap篇(二)...
Select Multiple Tasks Today Indicator, Built-in Context Menu Pan and Zoom Timeline Scale Resize Timeline Print and Export Gantt Appearance Deliver Fine-Tuned User Experiences Our WinForms Gantt control ships with task appearance options, a configurable Ribbon UI, DevExpress Skin/Theme support, SVG Su...