Canadian Journal of BotanySaffo, M. B., Nelson, R. (1983). The cells of Nephromyces : developmental stages of a single life cycle. Can. J. Bot. 61: 3230–3239Saffo, M. B., Nelson, R. (1983). The cells of Nephromyces:develop- mental stages of a single life cycle. Can. J...
The relative DNA levels of different developmental stages ofTheileria annulata andT. parva in the cow and the tick were measured by the cytophotometric DNA
However, molecular regulatory mecha- nisms of A. suturalis largely remained unexplored due to the general lack of genomic resources especially relating to major transitional stages of its life cycle, which are needed to better enable the development of alternative control and management strategies of ...
phenotypes, we suggest adopting the terminology used for maturing stages of R. seeberi, such as juvenile sporangia, early mature sporangia and mature sporangia. The characterization of these developmental stages will be useful to increase the understanding of the life cycle of parasites of the ...
Anin vivogain-of-function reporter fly line can sensitively detect translational readthrough We wished to measure stop codon readthrough in flies across developmental stages of their life cycle. We initially chose to measure readthrough using a candidate gene,rab6, which had been identified as und...
The different metamorphoses which occur during the life cycle of L. pectoralis are also discussed.doi:10.1080/00222937400770581G.A.WellcomeBoxshallWellcomeTaylor & Francis GroupJournal of Natural HistoryBoxshall GA (1974) Developmental stages of Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Muller, 1776) (Copepoda-Caligidae...
Life Cycle | Definition, Stages & Examples from Chapter 4/ Lesson 11 288K What is a life cycle? Study the stages of life cycles, and the life cycles of different organisms. See simple and complex life cycle examples. Related to this Question ...
while climate variables also affect the developmental stages of leafminer38. Meteorological indices determine the duration of the life cycle39,40and the number of generations of leafminer per year41,42by indicating population pressure on citrus in a particular area40,43and also availability of new fl...
The Life Cycle of Groups: Group Development Stage Theory - Lacoursiere - 1980 () Citation Context ..., and Hains 1994). Working from this perspective, some theorists have proposed models that characterize the development of groups in terms of stages (Tuckman 1965, Tuckman and Jensen 1977, ...
We found that sexual differentiation of all the nymphal stages of Pycnoscelus indicus (Fabricius) was possible by observing the developmental features of their posterior abdominal segments. Using this observation, the sex of even the 1(st) stage instar nymph could be determined. The female of th...