, including the distribution and production of global oil and gas fields, the distribution and changes of remaining recoverable reserves, the differences in oil and gas production between regions/countries, and the development potentials of oil and gas fields unproduced and to be produced in 2023....
The leading global oil, gas and energy news resource. Covering the latest oil and gas news including shale, lng, drilling, exploration and production.
Oil and gas in sub-Saharan Africa Activity from oil and gas development in sub-Saharan World Heritage sites has to date been limited; however, future pressure cannot be ruled out, due to co... B Bomhard,J Hutton,J Fisher,... 被引量: 0发表: 2011年 Sub-Saharan Africa:Unconventional ...
Efficiency and Safety of Prospecting, Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields in the Waters of the World Ocean 当前我国正处在快速工业化,经济腾飞,并步入一个世界科技大国向世界科技强国迈进的前夜,需要大量的资源和能源乃必然的发展轨迹.然而,我国地大但物并不博.为此,在我国快... V Kerimov,...
Little is known about whether exposure to unconventional oil and gas development is associated with higher mortality risks in the elderly and whether related air pollutants are exposure pathways. We studied a cohort of 15,198,496 Medicare beneficiaries (
Development of the Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) in oil and gas industryPark, E. HChang, K. PKim, S. T
report on the compatibility of department of defense (dod) activities with oil and gas resource development on the outer continental shelf (ocs)(2.37mb) 热度: Development and performance measurement of micro-power pack using micro-gas turbine driven automotive alternators ...
Used as mixing agent are hydrocarbon solvents, hydrocarbon gas or their mixes. Utilization of aforesaid method prevents loss of oil due additional creation of water-oil emulsion. Also excluded is loss of capillary-held and film oil. EFFECT: high efficiency. 1 cl, 1 dwg 展开 ...
We review the multiple ecological impacts of oil and gas development on coastal ecosystems in the Mississippi Delta. This area has one of the greatest developments of oil and gas production in the world. This activity has generated significant impacts on coastal ecosystems due to the toxicity of ...
Development Prospect of Oil & Gas Pipelines of CNPC